How To Retain Your Employees Workforce In COVID-19 Crisis

Do You Know ?

 Who are employees ? Businessmen and other Entrepreneurs often refer employees as the people who works for them. From logical point of view, that's True.
But, are they really people who works for you or for themselves ? The correct answer to this question is that they are people who works for themselves. And why not ? Every person in this World works for himself so that he can help himself and his family to live a better Life.
Every person in this Whole World Of Opportunities tries to find his opportunity, so that he can make some money and afford himself a nice car, a decent home, and make his family feel proud of him. And that's the dream of an Employee...

So, as I mentioned in the Heading : How To Retain Your Employees Workforce In Covid-19 ?
So, this is not the Solution. But, this is the point where you will start to understand the needs of your Employees and make a better Employees Workforce for your Company. In a company it is not only about the C.E.O or the Chairman, but it is more about the Employees and your Team who will work for you. Because they are the real people who has the Interaction with the Customers.

Understanding The Needs Of Employees Rather Than Of The Customers

Now, you must be like ooh, hey, What are you saying ? Because Consumer Needs is the most important factor in Marketing. It's true and I totally agree with you. I know that knowing the Consumer Needs is very Important in doing any Business.
So, let's first Understand what are Consumer Needs ?

Consumer Needs ?

Consumer Needs are the needs of customers. That's the basic meaning. Right ? But, who are your Consumers ?
Let's make this simple. There are three stages of Ownership in any Business.

1) The Owner (C.E.O)


  He is the person who has all the rights of the Company. He is the One who controls everything and ensures that everything is working properly.

2) The Employees (Team)

5 Best Practices for Training Global Employees

These are the real people who are going to work for you and your company and make profits.


You need to focus more on these people because these are your real customers. I mean the Customers are the Customers for the Employees and the Employees are the Customers for the C.E.O. Don't get confused in it. It's simple.

3) Customers (Market)

And these are the Customers whom you are going to provide your Goods and Services.
But, always remember that these are Customers only for your Employees and not for You.
Because, your Customers are your Employees. As a Employee tries to give his Best Service to a Customer, you should give your Best Service to your Employees.

So, now you know that you should treat your Employees as your Customers. 

And remember that Customers are the Kings and you are the Slave.

Importance Of Relationship Between You And Employees

In this article I am going to share you the Importance of the Employees and the relationship you should have with them. So, I have some Points for you, which you can follow and believe me you will never face a problem to look for new Employees.

  • Treat your Employees as your Family Members - 
The relation of you and your Employees start when you go to search for Employees. This is the Moment, if you have a good relationship from the very start with your Employees, I can Guarantee you will never have to Fire Your Employees.
Remember the quote,

 " You never get a Second Chance to build your First Impression "
So, let me give you an example, Consider your Employees as your Army. Now you are going to start a Business that means you are going for a War. What will happen if your Army is not Strong enough, it is for Sure that you will be Defeated by your Enemy. That's what also happens in Business, if your Employees Workforce is not strong enough to do business, you will Fail and go Bankrupt.

And that's not the position where you should be. So, let's be Affirmative and Hope that you will take care of your Employees and Train them Well. And That's what my Second Point is...

  • Train your Employees - 
A football player cannot win a match without practicing daily. To develop the skills and ability to play for 90 mins. He needs to Train himself. And that's what same in Business too.
Without practice and hard work no one can learn Business.   
 Now, you must be thinking that I can go for some Courses and learn Business. But, if that was it, anyone could be a Jeff Bezos or a Warren Buffet.

It is same as that you cannot learn to swim by reading it's guide. You need to do it practically. So, let's come straight to the point. Training your Employees is must in any Business. 
" Train your Employees so much that anyone can give them Double the Salary of what you are giving "
Train everyday, make it a habit. This will create Discipline among all Employees. Also, it will create Respect and a Strong Bond of Attachment in Employees for you. As, now you are taking so much care of your Employees, it is fixed that they will never leave you and always be Loyal to you.

You have seen in this Crisis of COVID-19 many companies have fired their Employees. E.g. - Rolls Royce, Amazon, etc.
So, why this happens ? Not because of lack of Money. The C.E.O's of these Companies are so Wealthy that Money is not a Issue for them. The only reason behind this is lack of Good Relationship with the Employees. So, I don't say that these Companies do not care of their Employees. But, Yes, there is a lack somewhere in the Process.


  • Pay your Employees Well - 
This factor is very Important to make your Employees feel Satisfied working with you.
If you don't pay your Employees Well enough, its obvious that they will leave.
So, only thing I want to tell you is pay your Employees more than what they expect. This will give them a feeling of Surprise which will help you in making your Relationship more Strong.

So, BEST OF LUCK for your Work.

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